Busy Reading & Writing — No ‘Rithmetic

I’ve been busy writing for two clients recently. When not doing that, I’ve been reading or working outdoors in the goat pasture.
The goats have eaten the foliage down to nothing so I figured it was a good time to get out there and drag all of the broken limbs and branches to the log pile. Trying to do that when there’s grass and stuff growing around it is a nightmare.
It was still a lot of hard work, though–some of the branches weighed upward of 80 pounds–but it’s all done now and the pasture looks more like a well-kept park now than a place where lots of tree detritus blew down. The goats and I can get around a lot easier, too. (Not that the goats care, but I sure do!)
With the forest fires everywhere, the air has been so polluted that Lisa and I stopped riding bikes on the Orting Trail the past two or three weeks. We’re going again soon, though, now that the sky is blue and the air is clean.
So, you see, I have been busy, but not in the usual way.
Gee…what else?
Other than that, there really isn’t much to report, which is why I haven’t been blogging recently…
I guess I’ll just shut up and sign off, then, and let you get on with your day!
Stay happy and healthy, if you are! And here’s hoping you get happy and healthy, if you aren’t.
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