Book Review: My Friend Michael

I’ve just read a remarkable book about Michael Jackson called My Friend Michael by Frank Cascio.


You’ll hate the book if you’re under the impression that Michael Jackson was “Wacko Jacko” or a pedophile.  But if you are malingering under this impression, I implore you to read it. Why?


Because it will unravel the story as it happened and reveal the truth of his innocence–and how being accused (twice) by fraudulent parents destroyed his naivete and created the maligned victor who ended up dead, I believe, as a direct result of his faith in the inherent goodness of the people he surrounded himself with. When he lost that (for good reason), he lost his innocence, and the downward spiral began.


All creative people are idiosyncratic, so it should come as no surprise that Michael Jackson–the greatest performer of all time (IMO)–was idiosyncratic. But being idiosyncratic doesn’t, by default, make someone a monster or a child molester, both of which Michael Jackson has been accused of being.


What may come as a surprise, to those who have never read much about him–or to those who have read the lurid crap put out about him with precious little basis in fact–is what a delightful, nurturing, respectful, honorable human being he was.


I have always loved Michael Jackson. And I’m a very good judge of character. I can see, in every interview he ever gave, his essence, which was pure as new-fallen snow.


Denied a normal childhood by his father because of his enormous natural talent and charisma, Michael Jackson strove–as an adult–to make up for his lost childhood while continuing to create and perform nearly nonstop until his death.


This book is an insider’s look at immense triumph and earthshaking tragedy.  It begins when the author is just four years old, invited into Michael Jackson’s world and worldview: a wondrous place where any dream is possible if you have the ambition to pursue it with all your heart.


Frank Cascio is one of a handful of lucky boys who grew up hanging with Jackson, visiting Neverland, and staying there and at his (Cascio’s) family’s home in New Jersey with Michael many hundreds of nights throughout the years. Starting at age four (Michael was 24 or so at the time) Cascio says he was all-but reared by the icon and frequently flown to international venues where he was performing. Eventually, he was employed by Jackson. He was at Michael’s side for more than 20 years, until Jackson’s untimely death in 2009.


I have read several books about Michael Jackson, including ones he wrote himself. This is one of the best. I highly recommend it to Jackson lovers and detractors. The truth will set you free to marvel at his life story.


If you don’t understand Michael Jackson after reading it, you never will.

And that would be a real shame.


It’s only 99 cents (the Kindle version) at Amazon right now. Jump on it!




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Kris Smith

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