Blue Max Tacoma: My Favorite Source for Meat

Tacoma residents, have you ever visited, or heard of, Blue Max on Canyon Road at 96th?
If not, and you’re looking for the best-tasting, choicest cuts of meats, you need to check them out.
For googlers, the exact address of Blue Max Meats is 9512 Canyon Road East, zip code 98371.
Owners Evan and Tommy, and the other folks who work there, are positive, helpful, very knowledgeable people. Ask them to suggest some of their personal favorite cuts and ask them what their most popular products are. Try something new there; they won’t “steer” you wrong (pun intended).
My personal favorite (the one I keep them running to the back for, because I wipe them out in front frequently) is their frozen chicken condon bleu.
I also love their various cuts of roast for the vegetable beef crock pot meals I make.
Speaking of which, everybody in the neighborhood who knows I make this soup wants to stop by and get some. Seriously!
So I’m going to post my not-so-secret recipe right here for you to make in your own crock pot.
Get out your crock pot.
Put in two or more cans of beef broth (depending on how much soup you want to make).
Turn your crock pot on the HIGH setting.
Get a nice chunk of beef (fresh or frozen), sear it in a stove pot pan on both sides (if it’s fresh or thawed) before you put it into the pot.
Add in enough barbecue sauce to taste (I use at least one cup of Sweet Baby Ray’s or Biff’s BBQ Sauce–Biff’s is local!!! ), add in fresh chunks of raw potatoes, baby carrots, and sliced chestnuts, then leave it alone to cook for at least four hours (longer if the meat is frozen when you put it in).
Be sure everything in the pot is covered with liquid beef broth/water/and BBQ sauce.
Reduce the heat to medium when the meat looks pretty-well cooked throughout.
Pull out the meat and cut it into bite-size chunks, then return it to the pot.
Add in frozen peas and corn and sprinkle some Johnny’s Dock Seasoning Salt on it (to taste;remember, there’s already barbecue sauce in the mix).
Cook it another hour or so…and you’re done!
The meat should fall off the bone (if there’s a bone in it) or it should come apart easily using a fork.
This is enough to make lots of soup. I freeze it in single portion plastic containers and enjoy one every few days for weeks.
But the first day, I can’t do with less than eating two bowls.
The frozen soup is equally good; not to worry!
Write the date you froze the soup on the plastic container.
Eat/serve it within 4 to 6 months.
But you’ll probably east it within a month.
It’s that good!
The featured image shows a pot I made using an Italian vegetables mix. You’ll see green beans, cauliflower and other additional goodies in it. Try it for a change of pace! It’s also very good!
Be sure to let Blue Max Tacoma know I recommended them to you.
Let them know you found out about them on my blog.
I’ve been mentioning to them wanting to write a blog to extol their virtues for quite a while now, and now that I’ve done it, I want them to know it! Please let them know you learned about them from me, here at Yellow Balloon Publications, when you visit them for the first time, if they’re new to you!
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