Aquarium Aggressor
AQUARIUM AGGRESSOR There’s a killer loose in my new (to me) 55-gallon aquarium. I awoke this morning to find three neon tetras (the three smallest ones) floating . My first thought when I saw them was, “Oh no! Switching them over must have put them in shock!” But I was very…
My DeForest Kelley Garb
Last night while I was in bed, close to falling to sleep, I had a flashback to DeForest Kelley asking me (weeks before he passed away) if I could fit into any of his clothes. I joked at the time, “Probably not!” pointing to my big boobs. But he persisted and told me…
Hannah Has Me Working Overtime!
Hannah McCrane Has Me Working Overtime! (Because she poses truly intriguing questions that exercise my brain.) Give Hannah a task, and she gets it done! I bet she’s an amazing employee, student and go-getter! (I asked FB friends to ask me some questions, and Hannah delivered in spades!) If you could go back…
Two DeForest Kelley Anecdotes
TWO DeFOREST KELLEY ANECDOTES I just thought of two DeForest Kelley anecdotes that I don’t recall reporting in articles, interviews or blog posts. I might be wrong about that, but I don’t want to assume you’ll be able to find them for sure, so here we go. DeForest Kelley Introduces Himself to Elizabeth…
More Q & A with Hannah McCrane
More Q & A with Hannah McCrane Hannah McCrane is on a roll with more questions for me. If you could have any animal, alive or extinct, as a pet, which would you choose and why? As a life-long animal lover, this one is tough to answer. I’ve shared my life at times with skunks,…
More Q & A’s from Hannah McCrane & Tammy Armstrong
I received several more questions from Hannah McCrane, and a single one from Tammy Armstrong in Canada which requires a short answer, so I’ll include it here. (I don’t want anyone waiting for answers, if I can help it!) Tammy asks, “Since we are in the holiday season, do you have any traditions?” …
Travel Q & A with Lynda Colclasure Lien
One of my school chums, Lynda Colclasure Lien, responded to my request to send me questions to answer. She wrote, “I love traveling & was wondering if you’ve been out of the country.” I have been to Mexico and Canada. (I have been to half of the U.S. states, mostly during the time…
Q & A from Beth Randall
Beth Randall — owner of Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary — responded to my request for questions, posing six of them to me. (BTW, Beth is a major William Shatner fan–she has named one of her hedgehogs Quilliam Shatner. The past two years for her birthday, her kids have bought her live virtual conversations…
Q & A from Hannah McCrane
Q & A from Hannah McCrane Well, that didn’t take long! As soon as I published my last post, I got seven questions from Facebook friends in less than an hour. Here are two of Hannah McCrane’s questions (she says she’ll send more) and my answers. Who are your heroes? Oh, wow! …
How (NOT) to Get Attention
How (NOT) to Get Attention I sense a pattern here. When it comes to getting attention and responses on Facebook, I get the most feedback from friends when I post something about DeForest Kelley, politics, critters, having surgery, or risking my neck. This is NOT good because the sole common thread– the one…