Bathroom Makeover

Bathroom Makeover
When I replaced the drywall in the ceiling that got soaked and ruined because of a (now-patched) leak in the roof, I wasn’t imagining an entire bathroom makeover.
But putting the drywall up and masking it off and sanding it down and spackling it and repainting it was such a PITA for me (I even recruited my sister to give me a hand with the drywall placement and masking part of it because working overhead wore me out) that I decided to add $100 to the task and redecorate and repaint the room, too…
I wanted to be able to SEE something BETTER after that much work (other than the disappearance of the hole in the ceiling where the wet drywall and insulation came from).
I wanted to be able to walk in there and feel that something wonderful and more noticeable had happened.
I changed the wall color, painted the ceiling the same color as the upper wall, and bought some nautical gems to turn the room (it’s very small) into a mini-showcase.
Nautical and floral touches from BIG LOTS
Shower Curtain from BED BATH & BEYOND
New Bath Mat Duo from BIG LOTS
Of course, now that I’ve done this with such pleasing results, the rest of my place looks like crap in comparison, so I’ll probably slowly re-envision and redecorate the other rooms, too.
I have lots of animal photos, so I may make a critter room in my bedroom. Sue Rebar gave me several African animal photos and drawings, and I have several of my own (including images of Deaken, my “serval son”; I shared my life with him for all seventeen-plus years on earth), so I can do that without having to put out extra money…
I don’t have much disposable income, so I have to be judicious about these things.
I just keep wandering by and gazing in. Instead of thinking about the bathroom ONLY when I get the urge to use it, I find myself revisiting it just to visit it! “Hello, Bathroom! You look lovely! I had no idea you had such potential!”
After I painted it, and before I added the nautical touches, it looked too feminine for me. I had to find things to dude it up with but I also wanted it to appeal to everyone who needs to visit it. I think I did a good job of that. Lotsa ladies love the beach and sailing, so it’s a pretty androgynous room now, I think. It suits me perfectly. I’d like to find a couple or more small sandpiper sculptures to put on some of the surfaces…
But overall, I’m extremely happy with the way it turned out…
I can’t stay out of there!
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