Additional Exercise Routine

Two days ago, I started an additional exercise routine.
Every two to three hours, I turn on jogging music and “jog/dance/boogie” in my den for ten minutes.
It’s a lot of fun. Ten minutes is only about three songs’ worth of exercise, so it goes by fast when I listen to music. (If you have Amazon Prime, you can hear the free music I listen to when I exercise here: But there are a ton of streaming jogging videos, so you can pick your favorite mix and do the same thing, according to your taste.
I plan to do this every day that I don’t go bike riding. I get in at least thirty minutes a day this way. And as I get more toned, I’ll probably extend the sessions to fifteen minutes each time so that I eventually get up to an hour a day of home exercise.
I’m not pushing myself. I’m not even building up a sweat because I work out in my skivvies and briefs. (Hey, I’m boob-less now, so I can do that without worrying if Jackie or someone else enters my domain while I’m exercising.) My heart rate goes up and I would sweat if I wore an appreciable amount of clothes, but I don’t like sweating, so I don’t do that.
I feel much better when I get up and do something physical every two to three hours. As a writer, I’m pretty sedentary usually during the day, except when I take time out to ride bikes, walk or jog. Right now it’s nippy outside–the the goats’ water has frozen overnight the past two days, so I winterized the outdoor faucets yesterday.
Winter returned unexpectedly the past few days during this Year of COVID, probably because I wasn’t outside as much as I usually am.
I reckon Lisa and I racked up about 300 miles of biking so far in 2020, but most years we would at least triple that amount of riding. But not last year or this year–too smoky with all the forest fires both years on the west coast, and my chest masculinization surgery shut us down for five weeks, too.
We’ve both bought winter gear so we can keep riding, but we won’t go when it’s freezing or raining, obviously; too dangerous.
In Other News…
On Thursday this week, I drive to Seattle again for my 8-week post-op check up and to get a date for my panniculectomy surgery. I’m doing research now to see what the experience will be like, and the risks involved.
It sounds like I’ll be more uncomfortable than I was with the chest masculinization (CM) procedure, but the CM was almost a non-issue with me, and I’ve had abdominal surgeries before, so I know what post-op feels like.
Anyway, before the procedure, it’s recommended that I get down to the weight I want to weigh before I have it done. (Otherwise, if I lost a lot more, I’d start to sag again.)
I’d like to get down to 200. Taking 12 to 14 pounds of excess skin off after that would bring me down to 186-188 or so and I’d be delighted with that.
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