Bernie Sanders Will Win Big on Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday is March 3rd, just two days away. And it looks like Bernie has the lead by wide margins in at least twelve of the fourteen states, including the two largest ones, California and Texas.
But that won’t end the race for the nomination of the eventual DEM standard bearer, even if Bernie does win big in that many states.
Here’s a link to an article explaining the nomination process in its entirety:
Clear as mud, right? The party elite still have their thumbs on the scale in a major way. But if they pull the rug out from under Sanders because he isn’t a “true Democrat” (hell, he’s a better Democrat than most of them are–he’s a FDR-type Democrat!), in my opinion, they will be signing the death warrant of the so-called (in name only) Democratic Party and ushering in another four years of Fuhrer Trump. And we all know how that will turn out: disastrously for democracy and we the people who are not rich, white and male… The Supreme Court will become majority far-right, for starters, as will the rest of the judicial system.
Vote Blue No Matter Who has its adherents and its own logical underpinnings, and I suppose I’d vote for any Democrat except Bloomberg who gets the nod (as long as Bernie confirmed that’s the next best step in the process to making his vision for America, Americans and the world happen as soon as possible) because four more years of Trump’s minions will destroy any remaining chance we have to pull back from the brink of ecological and policy-centered disasters…
But doing so–if it comes to that–had better only delay the inevitable for a few more years: the Sanders’ faction is HUGE and GROWING and will eventually have enough clout to dismiss the people in both parties who think oligarchs, plutocrats and lobbyists know what’s best for them (if they want to keep their cushy jobs and power) and for the rest of us.
Of course they don’t know what’s best for us or we’d be better off than we are now; they’re using their money to embezzle and cheat and steal what rightfully belongs to all of the people who contributed to bolstering their wealth–their employees, their customers, and the infrastructure that we all paid for to get their products and services to market.
They didn’t get where they are under their own steam. They got there in underhanded ways that put the rest of us at a distinct disadvantage, and there are 99% more of us than there are of them. If we all rise up together right now, things will get better sooner.
Maybe we’ll even have a President Bernie Sanders in 2021. We certainly should.
His campaign rallies are enormous, the enthusiasm infectious and literally stadium-shaking. These are not haters, as are Trump’s supporters. These are lovers of people–red and yellow, black and white. They realize we’re all in the same boat and that if we want it heading in another direction, we all need to grab an oar and start pulling.
The America we want has never been yet. America has always been an unrealized ideal. With Bernie Sanders and his supporters at the helm, we can become the America we need to be to inspire the world again.
A less greedy, less needy nation that focuses on righting wrongs right here at home and inspires others to do likewise, not with weapons of mass destruction, but by example.
When we’re good, we’re very, very good. When we’re bad, we’re horrible.
It’s time to lead with goodness again for the first time since before Watergate. Most of our citizens have never lived in a country whose government was for them instead of for the richest among us. We did great things before the greedy and the seedy took over.
We can be that way again…and better. America is a work in progress. Which way do we want it to go?
Vote that way!
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