
Merry Christmas!!!


T’is the season of goodwill toward all.


I sure wish goodwill toward all could be made into a habit to live and let live, here at home and around the world.


To make it so, the United States military industrial complex needs to stop acting like the global terrorists they are, raining down missiles everywhere they have a strategic interest in another nation’s land and minerals or a vendetta against their government or way of life.


It’s up to the citizens of other countries to work toward the changes they want; we needn’t be deciding what they should want or have.  We need military money lessened and domestic money increased from it.  We’re becoming a third world country because the powers that be have tied up too much money terrorizing the rest of the world. (Can I get an amen on that from the “swords into plowshares” crowd? “Blessed are the peacemakers,” not the warmongers.)


I’m far more afraid of the traitors and saboteurs in our midst to be worried about saboteurs around the world, most of whom are enemies only because of what we’ve done to them, not because of what they’ve done to us. We started it. It didn’t start with Osama bin Ladin on September 11th, 2001; that was a reaction to our meddling and reign of terror in the Middle East. We need to end it.


No one convinces anyone of the rightness of their cause by raining shock and awe over their countrysides. Did bin Ladin convince us to back off? No. We just doubled/tripled/quadrupled down. His actions gave us permission to be continuing scourges of the Middle East. Are we winning the battle of hearts and minds over there? Please! All we’re doing is creating more terrorists.


When two men (Armstrong and Aldrin) landed on the moon back on July 20, 1969, I looked up at the orbiting satellite and thought, “They’re seeing earth from another celestial body for the first time ever. What must they be thinking?” It didn’t take long to find out.


I had a poster on my wall for years of our beautiful blue planet floating in space. From out there, it looks so peaceful, so pleasant, healthy and perfect.


Come in a little closer and you saw teeming wildlife swarming around on various continents, doing what they’ve been doing for millennia. And the planet remained in balance; uncounted species and far fewer humans, the so-called conscious and conscience-driven species, a species with the might and wherewithal to serve as stewards or ravage as pillagers of everything they see.  And our decision in that regard has not been honorable.


There isn’t a lot of time left to figure this out, folks. The planet is in its death throes. Unless we all unite to save it–every tribe and tongue–we’re not going to survive as a species.


Oh, make no mistake: the planet WILL recover without us, but in a far less robust form because of our selfish actions. In fact, it will probably recover faster without us (and what a tragic commentary that is on a species as conscious and impacting as we are), since we’re crippling it and the future of our children and grandchildren by allowing the rapists and pillagers to have their way instead of voting them out and installing people who give a  damn about the integrity of our ecosystem.


I would like to see a Merry Christmas 2020 where all of this gloom and doom has a deadline, where the people in office are taking steps to save us from our short-sighted lust for profit and for the  wars that promise untold profits for manufacturers of mass destruction. I don’t know if I’m going to see that in 2020, but my hopes are high that we will, because the alternative is simply too terrible to contemplate.


All we are saying is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.


All we are saying is give LOVE a chance.


All we are saying is give LIFE a chance.


Christians, Jews, Muslims: unless we do, none of us will survive.  And the legacy of our various faiths will be written in a hollowed out bomb crater…



I met a traveler from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”



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Kris Smith


  1. Edward Eugene Smith on December 27, 2019 at 6:56 am


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