Today the House of Representatives voted, along party lines, to impeach Donald Trump over two articles of impeachment: Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress, both of which have been documented time and time again during his time in office.
It’s going to be interesting to see how many GOP’ers in the Senate abuse their powers and obstruct Congress when they vote on this early next year. (They hold the key in the Senate to whether or not Trump gets the ax, so I’m not holding my breath or celebrating yet.)
We need to get rid of these old, white rich oligarchs in office who carry each other’s water and scratch each other’s backs.
I hope the voters in their respective states are keeping a close eye to see what has been going on.
And I hope they watched the proceedings so they could see how their so-called representatives posed, blustered, yelled and cried like two-year-old whiny tantrum tossers to keep the facts from coming out and having to admit publicly that most of Trump’s collaborators refused subpoenas to testify in his defense. In a nutshell, his “defenders” defected. They knew what would happen if they had testified. They knew they’d be nails in his coffin, or he’d nail them into theirs.
Intimidation is powerful. Payoffs are powerful.
The truth is painful… but how powerful is it these days?
So powerful that it isn’t allowed to see the light of day, apparently!
I’m appalled that Trump supporters are turning a blind eye to what he has done in every area where he has been an influence. He’s essentially been a criminal mob boss his entire life, blustering, bullying, cheating, screwing, begging and lying his way to prominence. He screws everyone, not just the twenty-plus women (including a woman who was ONLY 13 or 14 when he “knew” her, biblically speaking) who have publicly accused him of it.
Ask his subcontractors. They’ll give you chapter and verse of the ways he screwed and bankrupted so many of them.
He just had to pay millions for bilking money from his so-called charities for political purposes.
People who still support him have their heads buried in sand or up their rectums. He’s a diabolical dotard now and he has always been a unscrupulous scoundrel. Anyone who has ever had anything to do with him will readily admit this, unless they’re still under his thumb or scared spit-less about crossing him.
It’s time to end the nightmare. America is better than this. The office of President is better than this.
I’m so sick of getting up every morning to find him still at the helm.
What is our government waiting for? Some of them are waiting for Armageddon and think Trump is right on time to bring it about. The rest of us are frightened witless because people in power can do numerous crazy things to bring about a very real end of days. They already are. Enough greedy bastards are well-positioned now be the death of us all…
Are you ready to kiss your children’s and grandchildren’s lives and futures goodbye? To tell them they don’t get to live the rest of their lives because Armageddon?
If you are, you’re as sick as the powers that be.
Did you bring them into this world to die young, or to suffer the consequences of your lethargy, apathy or ignorance for their whole lives? Of course not!
So do something about it, damn it!
Vote for people who embrace life and the health of our planet.
Let your representatives know you’ve had enough
and that you aren’t going to turn a blind eye to what’s happening anymore.
They need to protect ALL life on earth or fucking retire.
The Congressional “pocket pets” of oligarchs, plutocrats and corporations need to get outta Dodge and let real representatives of WE THE PEOPLE inhabit its halls.
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