Facebook F’Up


I’ve been locked out of Facebook because of a f’up that happened yesterday at the Crafters’ Creation event.


I tried to get onto Facebook to post images of the vendors who were at the event but couldn’t remember my password, so I asked for another one. They sent me a code that didn’t work, so I asked for another one. It didn’t work, either.


I have since proven to them who I am (driver license and SSN) but they still aren’t sending me codes that work, saying I’ve tried too many times now.


What a frustrating experience!  So, I’m resorting to writing here and hoping people on Facebook who are worried about me will look here for an update.


Well, the update is it’s more than 24 hours later and I still have no resolution. It’s driving me batty.


Maybe it’s a good time to give Facebook up altogether. I’m having withdrawal symptoms, to be sure, but it sure has freed up my time in a measurable way. I just wish it didn’t do it on the weekends.


During the week, I’m busy working. On the weekend, I want to chill-ax and get on Facebook and dink around.


I guess that’s not happening this weekend, for sure!


If it continues for much longer I may find myself completely happy without Facebook and just stick with LinkedIn, Twitter and other online options. Like this blog, for example.


I don’t need Facebook. It’s just a “nice to have.” I have almost 900 followers on it and over 1400 friends. That’s a lot of people to say bye bye to…


But since it’s such a time suck, it’s probably a blessing in disguise.


I could be writing another book instead of hanging around on Facebook.


Or writing more blog posts.


Or reading, or resting, or hanging with my pets…


There are scores of options.

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Kris Smith

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