Women in Revolt

Women aren’t usually trouble-makers; they’re too busy being problem-solvers.
Women solve problems all the time–their own and others’– and at the end of every work day, and on weekends, their work doesn’t usually end; they just assume a different set of chores and another role.
So finding time to be trouble-makers doesn’t usually rank high enough to make it to their already-packed to-do-lists.
But in Washington D.C. the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration, more women turned out to protest his ascendancy than the number of people who showed up to officially recognize it.
And that was just in D.C.
Across the country and around the world, women turned out in unprecedented numbers to resist, and to give notice that the days of white male supremacy are numbered.
And ever since that day, the wave of resistance has been building because Trump and his allies in Congress continue to fan the flames of injustice and blind ambition (greed) every single day, pushing agendas that further penalize working men and women, people of color, LGBTQI individuals and other marginalized people.
Trump’s “best people”—the people he hired to “drain the swamp”—are now being investigated and prosecuted; some are already serving jail terms.
The man he has presently chosen for the Supreme Court—Brett Kavanaugh—is yet another Trump clone, except he also appears to have a significant drinking problem; he’s been called out by at least three women for being a staggering-drunk sexual predator as a teenager. The FBI is investigating the charges for all of one week (time limit imposed by Abuser-in-Chief Donald Trump.)
Both men have anger management and self-management issues. (Kavanaugh’s opening statement was a showcase in this regard. He couldn’t get hired to run a Dairy Queen with the chip he has on his shoulder; his pouting partisan conspiracy theories convinced absolutely no one that he’s Supreme Court material.)
None of this surprises people (men and women) who have known or done business with Trump for decades. His Mafia-like insistence on “loyalty” and “getting even” are legendary, as is the way he stiffed the contractors he hired to build his properties. No legitimate bank in the United States would continue loaning him money; he had to go overseas to find bankers and (questionable) others who were willing to do business with and for him.
Donald Trump has been the nightmare that his long record of disastrous “wins” predicted he’d be. Even his ghostwriter came out swinging against him, saying he has the attention span of a toddler; others say he has the traits of a two-year old who has learned from a clueless parent that temper tantrums create good results.
Most women see right through him. They’ve known other men like him: infantile, self-absorbed opportunists and predators who are looking to “score” in any way they can, leaving their victims shell-shocked and furious. No fewer than sixteen women have come forward to report Trump’s assaults on them.
Lie, lie, lie. Deny, deny, deny.
Unprecedented numbers of women are running for offices this year—and will be for the foreseeable future.
Women have had it with privileged white men who feel entitled to run roughshod over their bodies, their lives and their finances by denying them equal rights, equal access, equal pay for the same work, and equal representation in board rooms and legislative matters.
The tide is turning.
Women are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore.
And there are plenty of good men willing to stand with them, willing to demand ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
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