Powerful Perverts Reign Today

Powerful perverts reign in America today.
Perhaps they always have, because we’ve allowed a white male patriarchal society up until now.
It took hundreds of years for women to get the vote. It’s taking a helluva long time to learn to discern how to use it to our benefit.
According to a recent survey, nearly half of evangelicals (so-called God-fearing fundamentalist Christians) would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh for the highest judicial post in the land even if the testimonies of women who were treated terribly by him were proven 100% true. Let me repeat that: EVEN IF THEY WERE PROVEN 100% TRUE! What does this say about evangelicals? (Hypocrisy, much? Jesus wept!)
I believe the women who have come forward to testify against his perversion. I saw Kavanaugh’s testimony, too, and only a guilty man would dance the way he danced yesterday. A truly innocent man would have no need to drum up political bogeymen, alternate possible assailants, and other end runs around the truth. Nor would they boo hoo (only Donald Trump can boo hoo and get away with it politically, because he leads a cult).
The guy appears to me to be completely unreliable and unbelievable. I wouldn’t hire him to feed my goats or care for my chickens. Nor would I trust him (or his savior Donald Trump) to be alone and unattended with my nieces.
Just like reeling drunks, perverts need each other to prove to themselves that they really aren’t all that far outside the norms of society. “I might be a drinker, but I’m not an alcoholic! JOE’s the alcoholic–but I love him because he just can’t help himself.”
We need each other, too.
This is a national emergency–a wake-up call especially for women.
Ladies, YOU know how many men have taken advantage of you, or tried to, until they were thwarted by your vigorous actions or someone else’s. You know this sort of boorish behavior runs rampant in this country.
And you know why you’ve never come forward: you were young, scared, scandalized, and sure it wouldn’t go well for you because you’d be considered a vixen, a temptress–someone who dressed attractively, or smiled sweetly, or declined timidly (“She really meant yes–I just had to get past her good girl barriers”), or acted friendly…
Hell, I was almost raped in my own home by a hired hand while wearing jeans and a sweatshirt as a teenager. I’m transgender; the very idea that I enticed him to try jump me (and then he grabbed me in a vise-like grip with both hands as I backed away) is drop dead LAUGHABLE!
There are gentlemen on the planet. I can name many of them.
And there are predators and opportunists.
We’ve encountered all three types, and we know the difference.
I saw a meme the other day that read, “Those women who say, ‘If that’s considered assault, then I’ve been assaulted, too’ are so so close to getting it.”
Eggs-ack-ly! YOU HAVE BEEN ASSAULTED if what you’ve heard described by Ford during the Kavanaugh hearing has been an experience of yours!
Kavanaugh’s red face, angry tears and cheap shots told me everything I needed to know, absent Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony. He’s another Donald Trump (he of the famous line,”I can’t help myself, I just start kissing them. And they let you do it–grab ’em by the pussy!”): void of conscience when it comes to getting what he wants from women (and, like Trump, possibly anyone else he can screw in political ways to meet his own warped sense of “Judeo-Christian” morals and justice) and then denying it like the lying bastard he is.
It’s no wonder Trump loves the guy; they’re two peas in a pod. And what he’d do on the Supreme Court is tantamount to what he allegedly tried to do as an underage drunkard in a bedroom as a teenager to teenage girls: assault, rape and laugh maniacally at all the fun he was having.
I believe Christine Ford. I believe the other women who have come forward at this critical time to make known what kind of guy Brett Kavanaugh is.
They simply couldn’t stand the idea of having someone like him sitting on the highest court in the land where they’ll have to relive their horror every time they see him standing in a black robe next to Clarence Thomas (ick!!!! also accused of taking advantage of women and confirmed anyway ) and the rest of the Supreme Court in a photo or portrait.
The GOP lost it’s mind back about 1980 when it got into bed with far right evangelicals and started seducing them (to use them politically !!!) to think and vote like rich white supremacists (many of them already were racists and white supremacists, of course).
And here we are, reaping the whirlwind.
Women–stand up for your rights and for the rights of your children and grandchildren to live in a land where politicians don’t get to decide who you can love, whether or not you’ll have children, how much influence your rapist can exert on you and your child if you decide to keep a child conceived by rape–or whether you’ll even be allowed to consider abortion in case you’re raped), how much money you make in the same job as men, and so many other bread-and-butter and lifestyle issues that matter to you.
The Equal Rights Amendment still has not been passed. Doesn’t that beat all?
Stop believing that your husbands and fathers have all the information and wisdom you need or that they’re the only political counsel you need. They can’t see who you voted for unless they’re hovering over you–and if they are, leave them because their hovering proves that they don’t have your best interests at heart.
Take a good long look around you.You deserve better than what you’re being “allowed” to have right now.
So do other marginalized Americans.
Register to vote.
Pay attention.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Trump, Kavanaugh and their ilk sure ain’t it!
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