I’m INFJ An Advocate: Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Every few years I take an online Myers-Briggs test to see if anything has changed.
Nope. I remain an INFJ, an exceedingly rare “Advocate”.
I’ve taken the DISC Personality Insights test twice and come up slightly different each time.
The first time, I was a life-long career employee; the second time, I had been self-employed as a copywriter and author for several years.
It turns out that self-employed people hone additional skills and have mindsets that can change results. (DUH!)
The first time with the DISC test, I scored very high in D, I, and S and very low in C. But a fellow secretary and my boss at the time told me they were amazed that I scored low in C because I was certainly not “lacking” in that area.
As an administrative assistant (which I was at the time), being a high C is pretty much mandatory.
D= Dominant
I= Influence
Find out more about them in the link above.
But DISC shows two things: my native (default) personality assets and potential liabilities and my acquired (non-native) personality assets and potential liabilities.
The second time I took the DISC test (at least five years later), I scored high in all four letters. The C came up a lot, probably because I became self-employed and had to step up to the plate in all four areas.
But … back to the Myers-Briggs test.
Everything I read there about INFJ is definitely me, and it looks like I did right by myself (finally!) by employing myself and using my advocacy predisposition to advocate for my clients and for under-served and underprivileged folks.
As an INFJ, I’m in good company with Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Jimmy Carter, Aragorn and Galadriel (Lord Of The Rings) and others, fictional and factual.
It’s good to be INFJ. It’s good to be high DISC across the board.
The only other high-across-the-board DISC person I know is Kawehi Marshall, and she is an amazing person. She can communicate with everyone and is a lovely human being.
I wish I could claim the same ability, but I have a hard time with some people–racists, sexists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes–anyone whose fear of “the other” rules their lives, hearts, politics and actions. I want to escape from them as fast as I can.
Perhaps Kawehi feels the same, but she doesn’t show it. Maybe I don’t either, but my skin crawls when I’m in their presence. They’re the only “others” I can’t abide!
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