Was It Something I Said?

Signed Shambala Photo by DeForest Kelley



Something I said in the last blog post caused one person to order all five of my available titles in one fell swoop!  This has never happened before.


She says she’ll be eating Top Ramen for a month to compensate for the outlay, but she’ll enjoy every bite!


I know what it’s like to be on a Top Ramen diet because of lack of funds. It’s no fun…but she considers it a fair trade.  I’m humbled by that.  I pray she’ll enjoy every turn of phrase…every word…many times over…for the rest of her life!


She is sacrificing for this!  


So now I’m trying to figure something out…”What was the secret sauce in that last post?!!”


Was it the transparency?


The poignancy?


The writer quotes?


My AHA moment?


A combination?


None of the above?



I threw in an extra-special  treat for her.  A sacrifice like the one she’s making to get all five of my books calls for something special, that’s for sure!


I’m thrilled and anxious. Until I hear back that she LOVES the books, I’m going to fret!


They’re all getting five-star reviews, so why am I fretting?


Because she’s sacrificing to get them. Big time.


Have others done the same, and never told me?


Please don’t ever NOT tell me. I will try to think of something.


If you’re in such dire straits that you can’t even do what this dear lady did,  but you’re dying to read one of my books, please let me know!   “There are always possibilities. I don’t believe in the no-win scenario!”  I will find a way to make it work.


There isn’t a lot I can do to end massive suffering in the world with what little I possess, but I can do something to bless those of you who want to read my books but are struggling to put food on the table.


Don’t remain silent.


I love you!









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Kris Smith

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