“For the Love of Spock” is In Town

Adam Nimoy’s Spockumentary For the Love of Spock is showing tonight and Wednesday night at 7 PM at The Grand Cinema in downtown Tacoma. Lisa and I have tickets for the Wednesday showing because the two showings are selling out fast.
I want to see it for three reasons:
- to support The Grand Cinema, which carries the best movies from all eras in all genres and leaves the lesser films to other theaters
- to share the event with as many fellow Trek fans as can fit into a single small theater space
- to see my name in the credits on the big screen
Jim Westbrook already gave me a heads up that my name appears in the credits. I sent Adam and his crew several boxes of archival materials that I have about Nimoy/Spock (Yes, I belonged, and contributed, to Nimoy’s fan clubs and kept whatever they published in my archives. I was a Nimoy/Spock fan, too…) and apparently they must have used some of it, or I wouldn’t be in the credits unless I’m there soely because I also helped fund the project. I’ll find out on Wednesday which it is. (I hope it’s both!)
As a contributor to the funding of the documentary, I received a link to the documentary, so I have access to it at home here until January 1,2017, but I’m waiting to download it until after I’ve seen it in the theater. I want to experience it for the first time with other fans…
I hear it’s pretty good. It isn’t the documentary Adam originally planned with his father because his dad died in February of last year after giving his blessing to the project, but it’s a behind-the-scenes look at Leonard’s career and the effect it had on generations of humans across the globe, including the present Trek crew. It also shows what the family life of an actor is like –nowhere near as rosy as fans might imagine or wish…
UPDATE: I just saw the documentary. It was pretty darn good. I enjoyed every minute. I didn’t see my name in the credits but when the Smiths popped up there were so many of them that I probably just missed it. Jim Westbrook says he saw it. I’ll look again when I view my private copy.
I had the presence of mind to realize that the attendees were my target audience, too, so I took a handful of DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal post cards with me into the theater. More than 60 people took one when they went around so I hope they all pick up a book. Accepting a post card wasn’t mandatory, so I expect the only people who actually collected one wanted it… That’s a good sign!!! I will watch to see what happens in the next 48 hours…
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