What a Crock!



I’ve been making soups in my crock pot for a couple of weeks now and, so far, haven’t screwed up a single batch. I’m loving every single serving to the nth degree.  If I’d known how easy it was–and frugal–to make homemade soups that totally satisfy, I would have been doing this for a lot longer!


My neighbors love it, my friends love it, my shirt-tail relatives love it. I probably give away (or share) at least a third of every four-quart pot I make because everyone is so crazy about it.


Lisa said I should open a restaurant. Yeah, right!  Call it Soup’s On!  because that would be the only thing on the menu!


I’m no cook. I was a short order cook at a railroad stop in South Cle Elum for a while–maybe six months–so I can make food fast (as opposed to fast food)–eggs, hamburgers, steaks, the quick and easy stuff–but I’ve never been into cooking or baking, which is why I like crock pots. You prepare it all at once, pop it in, and add some peas, corn and carrots later on. But for the most part, you combine everything you want in the soup–beef, pork or chicken with potatoes, beef broth, BBQ sauce, onion soup mix, and (later) other veggies, put the top on, turn it on, and forget about it until the aroma starts driving you wild with anticipation. It’s just the easiest thing to do in the world–and people think I’m an “amazing” cook!


What I am is… darned lucky. I landed on the perfect “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” combination of ingredients the first time out, combined them, turned on the crock pot, and went and did something else until was time to savor the flavors. BINGO! Easy peas-y!


I’m saving money (not eating out as often) and eating healthier because it’s GREAT TASTING.  It’s really all I want when I get hungry.


I’m loving it!



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Kris Smith

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