Report on Today’s Yelm Arts & Crafts Show

Major, monumental THANK YOU and SHOUT OUT to the Ed Kyllonen family and Dr. Matondo Gabriel Wawa for going miles and miles out of your way today to come see and support me at the Yelm Arts and Crafts Show. (You know you have friends when they’ll do something like this to show support!)
Thank you, too, to Edward Smith, Yelm resident and my good friend for 40 years, for your presence today and to and Lisa Twining Taylor of Dancing Goat Web Design for riding in with me to help me all day.
Thanks also to Tammy Sweem of Cosmic Cowboy who helped set up and take down my table today.
Unfortunately, only five vendors showed up to participate today–a talented self-taught young artist, Cosmic Cowboy (specialty button maker), a vendor with artwork denoting breathtaking Native American scenes and sensibilities, a fine arts sculptor, and me. Many more had confirmed that they would attend; perhaps they’ll show up tomorrow…but I’m not placing any bets on it!
About 30 people stopped in to check out our wares today; Yelm had several events going on today at the same time so today’s turnout was anemic, but I think every vendor there sold something (thanks again to the Ed Kyllonen family). Hopefully every vendor will break even by end of day tomorrow. I’m almost there already. I sold one book for $20. (Thanks, Peggy Kyllonen!)
I urge everyone who’s an arts and crafts vendor to engage tomorrow. Come on out to ReMax Country in Yelm (206 West Yelm Avenue) and set up a table. You can do this for a $25 donation fee that will benefit the Triad Theater and the Yelm Business Association.
The venue is inside a delightful courtyard with round wrought iron tables, overhead canopies for shade (in most places), and lovely manicured shrubbery, including some spiral topiary work.
The ReMax Country Courtyard is an intimate setting that allows you to get to know the other vendors and strike up some mutually-beneficial relationships for the future. If too many vendors show up (highly unlikely), there is overflow space next to the venue where you can set up canopies and tables and have a whee of a time.
Any money you make at your table will be 100% yours.
Also please invite your target audiences and other arts and crafts lovers to come support this worthwhile event. The holidays are coming up; now is a great time to do a little Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/you name it shopping.
Sunday Sept 11th the event will be held from 11 to 4 PM…but if you have to flee early to catch the Seahawks game, we’ll understand! Please stop by. WE NEED YOU, TO MAKE THIS FIRST ANNUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW A ROARING SUCCESS AND ENSURE FUTURE ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOWS!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!